This year saw another boom in the number of Powerful Women we are putting through our program and it is wonderful to see, having over 80 registers for our retreat!
Down in Hobart we had speakers, panel sessions, site tours, workshops, presentations, and our powerful women certainly took over the dance floor at our Gala dinner, proving that we are certainly shaking up the industry!
So, what is next for our Powerful women? Our Powerful Women program runs until the end of the year with various activities and speakers.
April will see us work on our Career Development plans, which we need to remember are relevant at all stages of our careers, taking the time to reflect on where we are now and where we want to be is extremely important to achieving our future goals. Whether you are planning your graduate role, applying for that promotion or applying for a AICD scholarship for your new or future board appointment its important to set goals from yourself!
2024 POWERful Women
We want Mentors!
May will see the launch of our 2024 POWERful women Mentor program.
While our Powerful women are filling in their profiles, we are inviting industry professionals (like you!) to be part of the POWERful Women Leadership Program as a 1-on-1 online mentor. We are not just after female mentors but all mentors in the industry, and at all levels as we have a range of Mentees from Senior Engineers and Managers.
Invest 1 hour or have multiple sessions with multiple mentees; it's up to you! We use the fantastic Mentorloop online platform to connect our mentors and mentees, and you take it from there (with support from us). Meet online, in person, or by phone - we are flexible with your availability.
Register now to be part of the PWLP as a 1-on-1 mentor throughout 2024, and beyond if you wish (registrations close on the 10th of May).
Sign up here:
POWERful Women 'open-to-all' meetings
Have you registered for the next POWERful Women 'open-to-all' meetings? As the name suggests, it's open to all professionals and students in the power industry community. The API's Powerful Women Leadership program hosts 'Monthly Mingles' for discussions on leadership, managing career progression and thriving in career and leadership roles from the perspective of women in the power sector.
Register your attendance for our June International Women in Engineering Day event here:
These one-hour-long online sessions will include the below speakers and small group discussions facilitated by the Powerful Women Leadership Program participants. Last year, during our monthly sessions, we were lucky enough to hear from: Jennifer Hughes, General Manager of Operational Planning - Network, Transgrid, Anna Collyer, Chair, Australian Energy Market Commission, Jane MacMaster, Chief Engineer, Engineers Australia, Dr Jenny Reisz, Principal AEMO and Alrum Wigand, Digital Strategist Energy Queensland, all exceptional technical and innovation-aligned leaders, who just happen to be a female.