Are you interested in learning more about the exciting and fulfilling job opportunities in the Australian electricity sector?
The Australian Power Institute is a national organisation that works towards developing the workforce to deliver the power engineering projects that underpin Australia's energy future. Power jobs that are linked to providing clean energy to our communities, to helping reduce our contribution to climate change, or working with some of the most advanced technologies going around.
We created Electrify your Future to help school students, parents, and teachers who are interested in learning why pursuing a career in the Australian electricity industry is an empowering decision.
Sign up to the API’s Electrify your Future mailing list below.
The API will support you in your journey by providing helpful hints, ideas to ponder, opportunities to strengthen your skills, and knowledge to build your understanding of a career that will not only be extremely rewarding, but improves the communities within Australia. What you'll get when you sign up:

The API Careers in Power website provides information on why you should choose a career in the power sector, the potential job roles and salaries and peruse the many career profiles to read about real-life people making real-life impact in their roles.