About the TJ Effeney Award
The TJ Effeney award brings together a national group of over 20 students from across Australia, to attend the national conferences - ENA and EECON, including an afternoon of activities with the API and its member organisations fully-funded!
This award would not be possible without Energy Queensland (Ergon Energy and Energex) and the Effeney family. We thank you for your continuous support.
What you get
Successful recipients of the award will receive flights, accommodation and registration, as well as a number of activities arranged by the API (Applications close 2 September 2024).
Who can apply
TJ Effeney Awards are available to all current Power UP community members, as well as other undergraduate students interested in a career in the power sector.
Not a member of API's Power UP Program yet? Sign up now using the steps below.
How to apply
1. Join the Power UP Community
2. Fill out the Application Form for the TJ Effeney Award
Applications closing soon! Apply before 2 September 2024.