Are you ready to harness your POWER?
With rapid advancements in how we generate and utilise electricity in Australia and globally, there is a significant demand for professionals in the power industry.
We collaborated with the Study Work Grow team to raise awareness among students about the available opportunities, and together, we’ve developed the Pathways to Power Engineering Guide.

What Can You Find in the Pathways to Power Engineering Guide?
This digital PDF guide includes:
An overview of the power industry and future trends
Key terminology and areas of interest
Insights into the life of a power engineer
Tasks, clusters, strengths, and skills required
Your educational options
How Can You Use the Guide?
As a downloadable PDF, the guide can be easily shared via email, integrated into your school's Learning Management System or intranet, or included in other digital resources, making it more accessible for your school community.
Job Spotlights
Curious about career pathways in Power Engineering?
In addition to the Pathways to Power Engineering Guide, we have created Job Spotlights that highlight various roles within the power industry, thanks to SWG.
These include:
Power Systems Engineer
Grid Connection Engineer
Maintenance Technician
Network Delivery Engineer
Systems Planning Engineer

Each spotlight provides details on the nature of these roles, typical tasks, pathways to these positions, and helpful advice for your career journey.
All of these valuable resources can be found on the API Careers in Power Resource Page at
Finally, the API would like to express our gratitude to the API POWERful Women community and the Study Work Grow team for their efforts in creating these informative resources that shed light on careers in the power sector.