Connecting 3 generations of professionals and exploring the power sector's strategic challenges and opportunities, and the methods, mindsets and skills needed for taking action

The API is offering access to our new Executive Insights program to early career professionals (graduates, PhD candidates and Early Career Academics)
The API is passionate about connecting Australia’s emerging and future power engineering workforce to the insights of Australia’s power sector industry leaders on the strategic challenges and opportunities for the sector and how to approach these issues from a leadership mindset.
To support this, we are offering graduates, PhD candidates and early career academics the opportunity to join the API’s new Executive Insight program in our new online-only Early Career Stream (EI-ECS).
Complimentary registrations for API members in 2023 (and scholarships for PhDs)
Registration is valued at $1200+ per participant, but we are offering API member organisations complimentary registrations for the inaugural 2023 program (Governor: 10x, Principal: 6x, Industry member: 2x registrations). Nominations will be sought directly from our key contacts at each of our 20+ member organisations in the lead up to starting in February 2023.
We are also exploring offering $1100+ scholarships to PhD candidates and early career academics to participate in the EI-ECS to strengthen their knowledge of contemporary industry issues and their future career pathways.
Further information about the Early Career Stream can be found in the page below, and more detailed information on the program, including key dates, learning outcomes, details of the questions that the Execs and mid career professionals explore, and other matters can be found in the flyer below.
Overview of the Exec Insights Early Career Stream
Participants in the Early Career Stream will join the community of 100+ other participants in the Exec Insights program including those from the API Summer School and Powerful Women Leadership Program.
EI-ECS participants will gain from the high-level insights of Executives and the linked perspectives of mid career operational leaders, and access specific guidance on the skills that will be needed for the future.

The Executive Insights online program features 12x CEOs and senior executives from the API’s member organizations sharing high level insights on the challenges and opportunities facing the sector and the methods and mindset to use when developing solutions (and lessons from their own experiences).
Additional analysis of the issues is completed by ~50 mid-career power sector leaders who attend the API’s annual Summer School 2-week residential course (in May 2023) after participating in the Exec Insights online sessions. These Summer School participants will work in small groups at the School to dig deeper into the issues raised by the Execs and then share their responses to the issues in written Board Briefings and verbal presentations. Their analyses will include insights on the knowledge and skills needed to respond to the strategic challenges and opportunities identified by the Executives.
Early Career Stream participant will have access to the presentations (online, live and on-demand) and reports, and online Q&A sessions with the teams from the Summer School.They will be guided through a self-assessment of their capabilities and crafting of a personal skills development plan linked to the Executive Insights topics and the insights from the Summer School projects.
What is the Executive Insights experience like?
Run for the first time in 2022, details of first Exec Insights program are available on the Summer School 2022 information page, including 2022 Executive Insights speakers and their challenges and the written 2022 Executive Insights reports from the Summer School participants.
The 2023 program will include an additional question for the Executives to cover in their fire-side chat sessions (4. What is a personal experience in your career that has shaped you as a leader?).
The Summer School working groups will respond to the same questions as in 2022 and the additional question of "What workforce and skills gap issues can you identify and any suggestions for remediating actions by individuals (eg grads, students, PhDs) and organisations/employers and/or universities? "
Registration costs

Interested in registering or to access more information, please contact:
Dr David Pointing, API CEO |