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The Australian Power Institutes hosts annual 'Careers in Power' events during National Science Week, which occurs every year from 12-20 August.



Australia's National Science Week is an annual celebration of science and technology held in Australia. It aims to engage the public in science-related activities, events, and discussions to promote scientific literacy and inspire curiosity. The event typically takes place in August and is coordinated by the Australian Government's Department of Industry, Science, Energy, and Resources.



2023 Event - CHAT API


Tuesday 15th August 2023



Curious about the power industry or wondering what possible career options there are for you?

Join us at our CHAT API event and ask those questions you have about the power industry. We have real people who work or study in the industry who will answer them all.

It's more than just electrical engineers these days - the industry needs community oriented, environmentally concerned and practical problem solvers.

We look forward to welcoming high school students, parents and teachers who want to know more.

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2022 Event - EmPOWERing Careers


Power is the pulse of the world. And there are lots of exciting jobs available in the Australian electricity sector that give you a chance to use your interest in STEM subjects and help our communities use more sustainable energy sources.


As part of National Science Week 2022 we hosted a discussion with three university students and the paths they are taking to an empowering career in the power industry.


2021 Event - EmPOWERing Careers


Our students speakers - Alyssa Cary (Bachelor of Engineering, Advance Manufacturing and Mechatronics Engineering, RMIT University), Lachlan Jackson (Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering at Monash University) and Jeremy Vasic (Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Commerce, Electrical and Computer System Engineering at Curtin University), share:

  • Why they chose their field of engineering

  • What sparked their interest in the energy sector

  • The highlights of their studies so far (including work placements in industry)

  • Where they see themselves going in the future

  • Their advice for future power engineering students


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