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Wendi Ma

API Scholarship Recipient - Graduated 2023

Wendi Ma


Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) / Bachelor of Mathematics


The University of Queensland


The University of Queensland

"Smart grids, EVs and renewables are generating vast amounts of complex data in the power industry. It's extremely exciting to see how AI and deep learning can help us extract insights from this data to empower better technologies and energy solutions."

Who am I

I'm Wendi Ma, a Mechatronics and Mathematics student at the University of Queensland currently with a GPA of 6.81/7. I'm highly passionate about deep learning and scientific computing, and thoroughly enjoy research, programming and problem solving. Recently, I worked as a part-time Research Software Engineer, submitted a ML conference paper, and am now continuing with the same supervisor for my Honours thesis. Previously, I interned at API partner Redback Technologies where I developed simulations and data analysis tools for household solar systems. I've also been the UQ IEEE Student Branch Chair, a UQ maths tutor and tech journalist.

Why I chose a career in power

With the continuing rapid technological overhaul of power infrastructure, I believe the field is very rich in opportunities for applying machine and AI, particularly with respects to smart grid analytics, renewable energy sources and EVs.

Where it all started

I studied a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) / Bachelor of Mathematics from the University of Queensland.

My work experience.
What's next?

I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Redback Technologies as it was my first experience employing my knowledge in a practical/professional setting. It was very eye-opening joining a highly multi-multi-disciplinary team and seeing how people with different areas of expertise could join together to realise great ideas. It was also very satisfying taking ownership of a project of my own and seeing through its progress.

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