Summer School PLUS, Executive Insights and more
The API’s famous annual 2-week residential professional development program is delivered by industry, for industry, in May/June each year.
We've now expanded the Summer School program to include the online Executive Insights program to provide high level strategic perspectives to the detailed analysis undertaken at the Summer School, and use the Challenge Questions provided by our Executives as the focus for group work at the Summer School (leading to production of written Board Briefs and verbal presentations in response to the issues raised by the Execs).
We've also expanded the audience for these efforts by our execs and the mid career professionals attending the Summer School to identify and plot a path for action in response to the key strategic challenges and opportunities for the power sector - now graduates, PhD candidates and Early Career academics can participate in the online-only aspects of the Executive Insights program.
Summer School+
The API’s famous Summer School is an annual technical professional leadership development program, delivered by industry, for industry.
It commences in February each year with online modules (the Executive Insight sessions) then a live 2-week residential School in May/June each year.
The 2023 Summer School will have 50-60
delegates (~50% female), including 15 scholarship recipients from the API’s new Powerful Women leadership program.
API member organisations are able to contribute to the shaping of the program, including key themes and site tours, and can nominate speakers for presentations and workshops.
Executive Insights
online modules
The Summer School now includes our new online Executive Insights sessions featuring CEO and senior executives from the API’s Governor member organizations.
These 30min sessions provide high level insights to the challenges and opportunities facing the sector and the methods and mindset to use when developing solutions and provide a strategic context to the Summer School.
Participants in the School work in groups at live 2-week School to develop a written Board Briefing in response to a Challenges posed by our Executive Insights speakers, and share their brief in a live and webcast presentation at the end of the live Summer School.
These presentations and the written Briefs are shared with our our 50+ Powerful Women Program Early Career stream participants, 100+ API Bursary students, graduates at API member organisations, and the academic community.
Graduate, PhDs and Early Career Academics
The API is passionate about connecting Australia’s emerging and future power engineering workforce to the insights of Australia’s power sector industry leaders on the strategic challenges and opportunities for the sector and how to approach these issues from a leadership mindset.
Graduates, PhDs and early career academics are able to participate in the online-only Executive Insights online program.
This gives these early career members of our teams access to the high level insights on the challenges and opportunities facing the sector (from the perspectives of our 12 executives different organisations) and the methods and mindset to use when developing solutions.
Graduate participants in the Exec Insight (online) program also access the deeper analysis of the Exec's challenges completed by the the Summer School participants through their presentations (webinar) and written reports.
Grads will also be guided through a self-assessment of their capabilities and supported to craft a skills development plan linked to the Exec Insights topics.