We have some wonderful news to share with our community of power professionals. Over the last few months, we have had three new executives join the API Board.

Keron is the General Manager, Power Transformer Business Unit of Wilson Transformer Company (WTC), based in Glen Waverley, Victoria and is a member of the WTC Executive Leadership Team. WTC has had a long relationship with the API and actively provides support to a range of initiatives to develop future engineering leaders.

Craig is a member of the CitiPower, Powercor and United Energy Senior Management Group and currently leads strategic network projects such as the Network Price Review and the development of climate resilient networks. Craig has been invited by the Board to be an API Director for 12 months to support our efforts to engage more with power sector organisations in Victoria.

Margarida is the Group Manager of Onboarding and Connections at AEMO. Margarida has worked in the energy industry for over 20 years in the areas of national energy market design and operation; electricity transmission planning; distributed energy integration and more recently, onboarding utility-scale generators, storage providers and customers.
For more information on our three new board members, visit the Our People webpage.
This also means this year we have sadly said our goodbyes to:
Ed Wilson (Wilsons Transformers)
Violette Mouchaileh (AEMO)
Patrick Matweew (Redback Technologies)
All of them have had an enormous impact on the direction and growth of the Australian Power Institute over the last few years. We wish them all the best as they continue making positive strategic and considered change in the power industry as we all strive to develop the sectors workforce for our future.
